AI can read anything you can read

Omg, Big Brother is actively using AI. Beware of what you say in all your social media contexts. It can and will be used against you. Again, it’s not the tool that is the problem, instead it is the carpenter.

“We know that these technologies are really commonly used by companies to do tasks like screening job applicants,” said Valentin Hoffman, a researcher at the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence and co-author of the recent paper, published this week in arXiv, an open-access research archive from Cornell University.

In person get-togethers might return to popularity once Gen Z learns that AI has become an uninvited guest at all their internet gab festivals. Remember, AI can read Instagram and TicToc and all those other apps.

The HR departments have hired AI technicians.

Yellow Dot Studios

A Tail of Fire and Ice

You Expect Me To Believe That?

Car Commercial 419

Market Testing

Chevron Ad

IRA Kitchen

“Cut your emissions in half every decade.”


“Plant enough trees every year so that at least 2 live beyond a full year.”


Voting Is So Important

The following was written by Heather Cox Richardson in her Newsletter of March 4th 2024 which hi lights a major issue in our Federal Constitution. We need to find a way to fix the Constitution without breaking Democracy. Will it happen in my life time? Pessimistically, no. In the meantime, voting is so important — we must find and elect unbiased leaders.

There is, perhaps, a larger story behind the (Supreme Courts) majority’s musings on future congressional actions. Its decision to go beyond what was required to decide a specific question and suggest the boundaries of future legislation pushed it from judicial review into the realm of lawmaking.

For years now, Republicans, especially Republican senators who have turned the previously rarely-used filibuster into a common tool, have stopped Congress from making laws and have instead thrown decision-making to the courts.

Two days ago, in Slate, legal analyst Mark Joseph Stern noted that when Mitch McConnell (R-KY) was Senate majority leader, he “realized you don’t need to win elections to enact Republican policy. You don’t need to change hearts and minds. You don’t need to push ballot initiatives or win over the views of the people. All you have to do is stack the courts. You only need 51 votes in the Senate to stack the courts with far-right partisan activists…[a]nd they will enact Republican policies under the guise of judicial review, policies that could never pass through the democratic process. And those policies will be bulletproof, because they will be called ‘law.’”


I voted

“This is a message from the California Secretary of State on behalf of Monterey County Election. Your ballot for the March 5, 2024, Presidential Primary Election was received and counted. Thank you for voting!”

Thank you, California, for having Vote By Mail services.

64K women and girls became pregnant due to rape in states with abortion bans, study estimates

“Ninety-one percent of the estimated rape-related pregnancies took place in states without exceptions for rape, according to the researchers.”. It seems like the men who are “pro-life” need rape to have children.

Eurasian Genetic Migration and Allele Mutations

These articles were first discussed on Anthropology. net by Kambiz Kamrani where the articles in Nature were discussed and referenced. I wish Nova would make a movie showing graphically the migrations and associated SNP mutation growth. I also wish we could figure out how to eliminate the negative health issues caused by these various alleles.


Population genomics of post-glacial western Eurasia


100 ancient genomes show repeated population turnovers in Neolithic Denmark


The selection landscape and genetic legacy of ancient Eurasians


Elevated genetic risk for multiple sclerosis emerged in steppe pastoralist populations

– Bi-sexuality

– Neanderthal @ 408,000 ya