Plate Imagery

The EarthByte Group in the School of Geosciences of The University of Sydney is one of the world’s leading research groups for global and regional plate tectonic reconstructions and for studying the interplay between the deep earth and surface processes. They have provided GPlates which enables the interactive manipulation of plate-tectonic reconstructions and the visualization of geodata through geological time, and it facilitates interoperability of plate tectonic data and models with geodynamic computing services for applied and fundamental research purposes.

The 3D visualisations are powered by Cesium, an Open Source library for viewing globes and maps.

What that all means is you can click below and find ways to imagine the world in many different ways, from Pangea forward! If you are interested in geology or plate tectonics, you should take a look at these amazing visualizations.

Many views of earth! Wow! Play with it. It worked on my iPad, but it works better on a computer with a mouse! And some browsers work better than others. Read the side info!